Faux Real is a music group a family band ♂️ an art project a train of thought and an inside joke The Arndt brothers fetishise, destroy, and re-invent their kinship through choreography, duality and language. Faux Real quickly earned a reputation for their wild and unhinged avant-garde anti-rock performances in 2019, appearing anywhere from packed nightclubs and house parties to street corners and illegal raves. Their trademark “Augmented Karaoke™” sees Elliott and Virgile mix absurdist Frenglish poetry and Stooge-esque self-flagellation with ersatz athletics and improvised quasi-ballet. For Virgile and Elliott, embodying Faux Realism is an obsessive pursuit. In character both on and off-stage, their rigorously matching attire is only one of the facets that makes them true Method Musicians™️.